Friday, January 25, 2008

Mission art

Summer 2007 in Tirana was very very hot. Something like 115 degrees. Since people would not go out in the middle of the day for fear of immediate death, us missionaries had a 3 hour break in the middle of the day. This gave me a splendid opportunity to paint-- something i never thought i would have time for on my mission.

sorry the colors suck. You're more than welcome to come visit me in colorado to see the originals. I shall supply the peanut butter oreos.

Finished Pieces

born of water and of the spirit
oil on canvas

untitled series

20x20cm x2
oil on canvas

Left panel owned by Brittany Brown
Right panel owned by Angie Webb

" 'the spiritual gift to avoid the so-called cuteness of modern cynicism' -David A. Bednar"

11x14 in.
Acrylic and Tempera on Watercolor paper

"TSGTATSCCOMC-DA.B" currently resides in the private collection of mr. tyler soelberg


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